Beech Grove School District # 4702

Beech Grove School was located SW 29-42-14 W2. The school was built by L.E.Sawler. It was open from 1928 to 1954. The name of the school was chosen from suggestions made by ratepayers. It is believed that J. McCrae submitted the name that was chosen.

Early school board members were L. Hainstock, Mrs. K. Smears, S. Pepper, Mrs. G. Hainstock, Wm Mason, Mrs. M. Nontell, E Waugh.

It is interesting to note that the teacher’s salary in 1928 was $900.00 per year, in 1933 was $450.00 per year, and in 1939 was $500.00 per year.

The Teachers:
Ivan McKechnie
Lucille Tuck
Gladys Eastman
Marjorie Doyle
Bob Perry

Miss Yake
Eileen Luck

Mary Boyd
Bill Hamilton
Noreen Thompson
Dolly Lazonby
Evangeline Moline
Mrs. Smith
Bill Fernuik

Stacks Image 1092
From “From Forest to Farmland”. Sylvania Historical Society, 1984